When it comes to professional skills, Sam is a jack of all trades.
He is a graduate of the CodeLouisville program, focusing on Python and Data Analytics, but that hasn't stopped him from using his Python skills to practice Web Development in combination with Bootstrap, Django, and Javascript. In addition to coding, he has over 15 years of practical IT helpdesk troubleshooting experience.
Aside from his development and IT work, he also has experience with marketing and branding including audio and video editing. Since 2019 He has also led numerous client product demonstrations and trainings and has assisted with onboarding multiple clients to various services. He also has experience managing projects and teams remotely with the assistance of Basecamp.
If you are wanting a more corporate interpretation of Sam’s personality, according the PI Index he is an an “Operator” personality. The Myers-Brigg classifies him as “ESTJ” type (but the latter three letters seem to change depending on whenever he has taken it throughout the years). When it comes to his free time you can find him normally playing guitar or hanging out with his friends working on the latest auto mechanical or homeowner's struggle.
Fun Facts
Sam is actually a bonafide member of the Kentucky Colonels. In addition to his technical background he also holds a degree in Biblical and Theological Studies. One of his claims to fame is being admitted to of his local shooting ranges "dime club". Despite really being a "dog guy" his family has three cats: Toothless, Totoro, and Zubat.
Sam is a fan of Open Source Software in general, but also is a major connoisseur of Martin Guitars. He enjoys outlaw country, sea shanties, and punk rock; but you would think his overall music collection suffers from an identity crisis. He prefers Sushi, Kentucky Bourbon, good coffee, and Detroit Style Pizza. When he gets free time, he likes to take up simple woodworking or watch Major League Baseball.
Pretty much anything related to Microsoft, politics and politicians. He despises people (who should really know better) that use spreadsheets instead of databases, and deploy code on Fridays. Also, not a fan of GM products in general due to personal experience.